21-Nov-2024 18:20
Bourtanger Moor - Bargerveen National Park
14-Nov-2024 18:21
Motacilla flavay - Yellow wagtail - gele kwikstaart
09-Nov-2024 17:51
Exploring field and forest around my house
09-Nov-2024 17:51
Coccothraustes coccothraustes - Hawfinch - Appelvink
30-Oct-2024 17:53
Accipiter nisus - Sparrowhawk - Sperwer
12-Oct-2024 17:17
Recurvirostra avosetta - Avocet - Kluut
01-Oct-2024 17:01
Tringa nebularia - common greenshank - groenpootruiter
01-Oct-2024 17:01
Ameland birds and more
27-Sep-2024 16:48
Ameland - nature views
27-Sep-2024 16:43
Lanius collurio - Red-backed Shrike - Grauwe klauwier
04-Sep-2024 17:31
Sylvia borin - Garden Warbler - Tuinfluiter
27-Aug-2024 17:38
Luscinia megarhynchos - Nightingale - Nachtegaal