Faxe Ladeplads by Kazuo Lim Khee Boon
Hus Rødstjert (Phoenicurus ochruros) by oedegaard
Ederfugl (Somateria molissima) by oedegaard
2015 The Blue Planet in Copenhagen (Denmark) by Tomasz Mikonowicz
The Light of Leaves by Jannik Lindquist
Copenhagen Carnival 2012 by Ronni Hansen
Gallery: Elephants of Copenhagen by anhminh
Seagulls, terns and other white birds... by Lisbeth Landstrøm
Gallery: Shops, Shopwindows and Signs in Copenhagen by anhminh
Tufted Duck from a lake in Denmark by Albert Steen-Hansen
Cow Parade Copenhagen 2007 by Gervan
One Leaf a day in October by Jørgen Erik Christensen